Monday, August 07, 2006

A cure for the doldrums...

... can be found in beautiful, low humidity 70ish degree weather. I opened the front door on Saturday morning (at 0555!) and didn't feel like I was walking into an oven. This my friends is exciting. The 10 mile run two Saturdays ago was miserablely hot. Even though I was looking at 8 miles of hills, at least the weather was on my side.

In the end, the weather effect shaved 2 minutes per mile off my time. 8 miles in 104 minutes equals 13 minute miles. Whoo hoo! And at the end of my run, I felt good! I am sure this weather effect will be short-lived (the glass half-empty theory) and my 12 miles on the 12th will be like my 10 miles on 29th but for now the doldrums are over!

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